The INPP 2016 will be held from November 3rd to 5th, 2016, in São Paulo (SP), at the Santa Casa of São Paulo School of Medical Sciences, located on 112 Doutor Cesario Motta Junior Street - Vila Buarque, São Paulo (SP) and Mackenzie Presbyterian University, located on 135 Itambé Street - Consolação - São Paulo (SP)
• November 3rd – 8:30AM to 6PM
• November 4th – 9AM to 6PM
• November 5th – 9AM to 6PM
Hotels and Flights
To book your flight, accommodation, transfer, tours and travel assistance, see Ecology - INPP 2016 official agency. To know the options, select your language and see the available hotels
Official Agency : Ecology Travel and Tourism
Phone: +55 11 3845-0273
Contact: mikaelly
Executive Secretary of INPP 2016
Zika virus in Brazil
Regarding this topic, the Organizing Committee of INPP 2016 would like to inform that:
1. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that “based on available evidence, there are no general restrictions on travel or trade with countries, areas and/or territories with Zika virus transmission”, stressing that only “pregnant women should be advised not to travel to areas of ongoing Zika virus outbreaks”;
2. Both WHO and the Center of Diseases Control (CDC) recommend only protecting against mosquito bites and making safe sex. The actions against mosquito bites are extremely simple, like wearing long sleeved shirts and pants, and using repellents, when walking in open areas;
3. Closed areas, like hotels and the venues of the event, have air-conditioning systems and are free of mosquitoes;
4. The city of São Paulo has very low incidence of Zika virus;
5. The period of the year of the Conference, early November, usually registers few cases of mosquito-transmitted diseases. As an example of the rarity of the presence of the mosquito, the chances of contracting Dengue fever (disease transmitted by the same vector of Zika), last year, in the same period of the Conference, was one in one million, according to oficial epidemiological data. Furthermore, in the specific districts of the city in which the INPP-2016 will be held, “Consolação” and “República”, the incidence was eight times lower than the city average.
6. We also recommend visiting the travelers advice pages from WHO and CDC: